Frequent Flyer has provided this starter kit of interview questions for anyone with a loved one who has served in the military. Through using our starter kit of interview questions, you can learn about your loved one, see them in a new light, and learn about their most formative experiences in the military.

Jump quickly to a topic: General | Being a Pilot | Military Experience | Commercial Aviation

  • What is your background in aviation?

  • How did you become interested in pursuing aviation?

  • When did you start considering aviation as a career option?

  • What education did you have that was relevant to your experience in aviation?

  • How was the transition from your prior education or career to your experience in aviation?

  • How did you decide to become a pilot?

  • What was your first experience flying?

  • Can you remember any specific details about your first experience flying (e.g., the reason for the flight, the other people on the plane, the make and model of the aircraft)?

  • What is your favorite memory of flying?

  • What was your most challenging flight, and why?

  • What is your favorite aircraft that you’ve ever flown?

  • What is your favorite feature of any aircraft you’ve ever flown?

  • How would you describe your relationship with your fellow pilots?

  • Did you enlist or were you drafted?

  • What do you remember about the day you enlisted or were drafted?

  • In which branch, location, and role(s) did you serve, and, if applicable, how did you make those choices?

  • How did you tell your family and friends that you were joining the military?

  • Do you have any veterans among your family or friends?

  • What were the main responsibilities of your role and, if applicable, during which war did you serve?

  • Were there other roles in the military that interested you and, if so, how did you decide between them and the role you ultimately chose?

  • Did you attend a military academy and, if so, how would you characterize that experience?

  • What was basic training like?

  • What training did you receive before being allowed to fly?

  • Can you remember any specific details about your first military flight?

  • What is your most cherished memory of serving in the military?

  • Which specific traits do you think contribute to success as a military pilot?

  • What advice would you have for aspiring military pilots?

  • Do you have any memories of major historical events that occurred during your time in the military?

  • What do you consider as your greatest achievement in the military?

  • What was your experience cultivating mentoring relationships in the military (with mentors and mentees)?

  • Is there a particular veteran, historical or contemporary, that you consider a personal hero?

  • How did you bond with your fellow veterans during your service?

  • How did you and your fellow veterans support each other through hardship?

  • Do you have a memory of a time when you felt admiration or pride for a fellow veteran?

  • How did you spend your free time during your service?

  • How did you stay in contact with your loved ones back home during your service?

  • How did you enjoy the location(s) in which you served?

  • What are the most important life lessons you learned during your service or from your fellow veterans?

  • What was the greatest challenge you faced during your service and how did you overcome it?

  • What aspect of your service makes you the most proud?

  • Are there any opportunities that you wish you’d taken during your service and, if so, why?

  • Is there a particular misconception about military service that you’d like to correct?

  • What is the best advice you’ve been given by a fellow veteran?

  • Do you reunite or stay in contact with the veterans with whom you served?

  • Is there a fellow veteran with whom you wish you kept better in touch and, if so, why?

  • Do you celebrate Veterans Day or Memorial Day and, if so, how?

  • Have you kept any cherished mementos from your service?

  • What do you miss the most about your time in the military, and what are you glad to have left behind?

  • What was it like to return to civilian life after your military career?

  • How have you approached talking to civilians about your military career?

  • Has your service impacted the way that you’re viewed or treated in the civilian world?

  • Has your service affected your thinking about war or the military in general?

  • Have you pursued non-military aviation activities after completing your service?

  • What civilian career have you pursued and how has your military experience informed your civilian career?

  • What are your long-term goals in your civilian career?

  • What was your first job in the aviation industry, and when, why, and how did you acquire it?

  • Did you have prior experience in aviation before your first job in aviation?

  • Which jobs have you had in the aviation industry?

  • What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?

  • Can you describe a typical day in your current job?

  • What was your experience cultivating mentoring relationships in the aviation industry (with mentors and mentees)?

  • What do you wish you knew at the beginning of your aviation career?

  • Which specific traits do you think contribute to success in the aviation industry?

  • What is the best advice you’ve been given by a fellow aviation professional?

  • What do you consider as your greatest achievement in the aviation industry?

  • What was the greatest challenge you faced during your aviation career and how did you overcome it?

  • What set of skills have you honed the most during your aviation career, and how did you hone them?

  • How would you characterize your leadership or management style?

  • What distinguishes the aviation industry from other industries?

  • If you could change one aspect of the aviation industry, what would it be and why?

  • What are your long-term career goals in the aviation industry?